FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is an aircraft charter?

An aircraft charter (or air taxi) is an authorized service company that provides aircraft to transport passengers, or cargo, from one location to another.

Why hire an aircraft charter?

Hiring an aircraft charter company may be the best option on comfort, quickness, security and exclusivity. It is the easiest way for locomotion between some destinations, for bussiness or for pleasure.

How is the price calculated?

An air taxi service price depends on the charter policies of each company. In some companies, the price is calculated by locations distances, aircraft model, and quantity of days in use (overnights).

How is the departure time set?

Flight schedule is agreed by flight contractor (client), so there is no fixed schedule as commercial aviation. Except when unavailable due to airfield closure, meteorological or logistic operational conditions of Mill Táxi Aéreo (or last minute changes due to flight crew duty time limits).

Can I buy a single person ticket?

Yes. Although flight packages are usually sold for aircraft full capacity, exclusively for a client, since September 2020 ANAC has released personal tickets sale also to aircraft charter companies. Check availability with Táxi Aéreo's sales team.

What is the difference between air taxi and airline companies?

An air taxi company works with charter flights, so there is no preschedule departure time. With Mill Táxi Aéreo it is possible to schedule an exclusive flight, determined by your date and time preferences with comfort, exclusivity, security and hygiene that its customers need.

With airlines, it is only possible to buy tickets according to the company's availability; having a rigid boarding schedule. The flights always takes place with other passengers, not having total exclusivity.

Who does supervise?

ANAC (Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil) supervises aircraft charter company operations, and has its own regulation for this type of operation (RBAC 135).

Can I hire a private plane?

No. The passenger transportation must be done by an air taxi or airline company authorized by ANAC. Private planes cannot sell services. Always check if aircraft is authorized (Voe Seguro - ANAC) to perform a hired service.

What is SMS (or SGSO)?

Safety Management System, or SMS (SGSO in portuguese), is a global, systematic and standardized approach to managing safety risks. More information on milltaxiaereo.com/en/seguranca-operacional

What are Restricted Goods?

Restricted Goods, Dangerous Articles or hazardous materials are objects or substances that may represent a danger to health, operation safety, property, or environment. More information on milltaxiaereo.com/en/artigos-restritos